Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Mobility management for events

The summer season is typically a period filled with festivals and musical events. Managing thousands of people going to the same location within the same time period, is a real challenge for event organisers, public transport operators and local authorities. However, improving accessibility by sustainable transport modes is worth the effort: it allows more people to visit the event, avoids large traffic jams, offers more comfort for all visitors and contributes to a greener image of the event (e.g. Velo-city 2013 is a Green Event). In the Brussels Capital Region (B), event organisers are obliged by law to create a travel plan for events with more than 3000 visitors. Soon the requirement will be mandatory for events from 1000 visitors also. The city of Ghent (B) has developed the website Gent Evenement to assist event organisers setting up a sustainable event. The major part of the information pertains to sustainable mobility, helping event organisers creating a mobility plan. But the biggest challenge posed by an event in Europe must have been the London Olympics 2012. Read more about it in the latest EPOMM e-update.

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